Entries will be reviewed against the following criteria

  • Ambition - The challenge and context within which your project, person or organisation is set alongside your goals and targets whether quantitative or qualitative.
  • Outcome - The benefits realised from the point of view of patients, organisation, leadership, value creation, efficiencies and cost.
  • Spread - The dissemination of your success in terms of how your work has been picked up and replicated elsewhere.
  • Value - The creation of value from the point of view of patient satisfaction and experience, reduction in bureaucracy, time saved for staff at any level.
  • Involvement - The stakeholders buy-in and contribution toward the project initiatives and outcomes. How have the relevant staff, patients and partnerships worked together to realise the success?

Most categories are designed to recognise work conducted within public sector organisations and therefore in most circumstances only the NHS healthcare provider will be recognised. Please check eligibility with our team if you are not sure.

2025 Awards categories

(click on each section to learn more about each category)

Acute sector award winners 24
​Acute Sector Innovation of the Year
Clinical leader of year award winners 24
Clinical Leader of the Year
Data driven transformation award winners 24
Data-Driven Transformation Award
Digitising patient care award winners 24
Digitising Patient Care Award
driving efficiency through tech award winners 24
Driving Efficiency through Technology Award
Award Partner
  • *
Early intervention for children and young people awards 24 winners pic
Early Intervention and Prevention for Children, Young People and Families Award
Award Partner
  • *
Partnership of year award winners 24
HSJ Partnership of the Year
Innovation & improvement RHI award winners 24
Innovation and Improvement in Reducing Healthcare Inequalities Award
Integrated care award winners 24
Integrated Care Initiative of the Year
Award Partner
  • *
Medicines award winners 24
Medicines, Pharmacy and Prescribing Initiative of the Year
mental health innovation award winners 24
Mental Health Innovation of the Year
Military award winners 24
Military and Civilian Health Partnership Award
Award Partner
  • *
  • *
Modernising diagnostics award winners 24
Modernising Diagnostics Award
Comms award winners 24
NHS Communications Initiative of the Year Award
Rae & equality award winners 24
NHS Race Equality Award
Award Partner
  • *
Patient safety award winners 24
Patient Safety Award
Performance recovery award winners 24
Performance Recovery Award
Award Partner
  • *
Primary innovation award winners 24
Primary or Community Care Innovation of the Year
Primary provider award winners 24
Primary or Community Care Provider of the Year
Provider award winners 24
Provider Collaboration of the Year
Transforming Care
New: Transforming Care for Older People Award 
RHI award winners 24
Reducing Inequalities and Improving Outcomes for Children and Young People Award
Award Partner
  • *
Staff wellbeing award winners 24
Staff Wellbeing Award
Toward net zero award winners 24
Towards Net Zero Award
Trust of the Year awards winners 24
Trust of the Year
Award Partner
  • *
Workforce of year awards winners 24
Workforce Initiative of the Year