
  • What was the context in which services were delivered where technology could have made efficiency improvements?
  • Why was technology the most appropriate solution?
  • What goals were set in the implementation and operation of the technology or digital product?
  • How were stakeholders considered and impact assessed?
  • Describe any partnership or collaborative working either with a supplier or other entity.


  • Judges are looking for convincing evidence that the use of technology has increased efficiency leading to improved service delivery and better care.
  • Provide evidence that the use of technology has also led to improved experience and improved outcomes. This must have a quantitative aspect but can include qualitative feedback as well.
  • Describe the financial impacts and include value for money assessment.


  • How has technology been applied beyond departmental, organisational, and local boundaries, or how has the technology implementation impacted other teams and organisations?
  • What efforts have been made to share results?
  • Discuss the scope for further replication or scaling of this initiative in other settings


  • Provide quantitative evidence that the use of technology has led to improved efficiency, and so improved value for money.
  • How has the solution impacted patient and staff experience?
  • Share any other value generated, including unintended benefits, of the project


  • Describe and provide testimonial evidence of the working relationship between the technology partner (if relevant) and the NHS organisation that enabled a genuinely co-produced product or service
  • Share how all relevant staff were engaged in the design and implementation of the project, product or service
  • Explain how patients, service users or the community were involved in the planning, development and implementation

To find out more

Entries, attendance and sponsorship enquiries, contact 
Media and marketing enquiries, contact Honey de Gracia 0207 608 9002;
Judging and event management, contact Sheena Patel 0207 608 9039