
  • What have been the biggest environmental challenges facing your organisation or system in recent years?
  • Describe the vision for sustainable development across all areas of the organisation
  • How does that vision translate into specific green initiatives aimed at reducing water, carbon, energy consumption, single-use plastics or other waste?
  • What targets were set for these initiatives and how were they measured?


  • How is the vision being achieved?
  • Describe the performance of green initiatives against targets, and include supporting evidence to display improvements over time
  • Provide specific examples of how individual projects feed into the wider vision for sustainable development, and how they will achieve lasting impact
  • Evidence how sustainability principles been embedded within the organisation’s processes and policies


  • Evidence how sustainable development is becoming business as usual across the organisation
  • Show how initial successes of the specific initiatives mentioned earlier can be replicated and scaled up in the future
  • Describe any work undertaken to spread best practice learning with other healthcare organisations or the general public


  • Describe the overall environmental impact achieved so far
  • Discuss how the initiatives and activities enable compliance with the Climate Change Act, Environmental Protection Act and/or other key legislation
  • Evidence efficiency gains, both in terms of waste reduction and cost savings


  • Show how the organisation has engaged staff across multiple functions and departments to challenge ‘business as usual’ thinking and deliver the vision
  • Evidence how patients, service users or the wider community have been involved in the design and implementation of green initiatives
  • Describe any partnership or collaborative working either with a supplier or other entity