HSJ Awards 2024 - Military and Civilian Health Partnership Award
Military and Civilian Health Partnership Award
Award Partner
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  • Describe the context of care provided to the armed forces and identify challenges
  • How did the collaboration or system come about? What parties were involved and what is their contribution?
  • What was the aim of your initiative and how were those challenges to be overcome?
  • What targets were set and how were those targets arrived at?
  • How will you gauge success, what measures have been applied?


  • Describe the results using real examples and supporting with evidence of outcomes
  • What sets the initiative apart from the current provision of healthcare/health improvement for the Armed Forces community?
  • Provide clear evidence that your work has significantly improved the health and wellbeing of members of the Armed Forces community.
  • Show how the outcomes are sustainable in terms of resources and over time.


  • How are you sharing the positive outcomes from the initiative with others?
  • Are there any examples of successful adoption or results from consultative work?
  • Provide evidence of how your approach can be replicated and is scalable locally, nationally and, potentially, internationally.


  • How has your initiative benefitted members of the Armed Forces community and their families?
  • What impact has the initiative had on the experience of care on the service user?
  • How has the initiative impacted finances of relevant organisations using examples of efficiency gains and value created against money spent?
  • Use testimonial evidence from stakeholders to support.


  • How has the initiative worked with the armed force community to identify challenges, set targets and realise results?
  • What ongoing work is taking place to create sustainable care systems?

To find out more

Entries, attendance and sponsorship enquiries, contact awardssupport@hsj.co.uk 
Media and marketing enquiries, contact Honey de Gracia 0207 608 9002;
Judging and event management, contact Sheena Patel 0207 608 9039