How to apply
- Register an account.
- Start your entry (save it in-progress).
- Submit your entry to be in the running.
Best of luck!
In recent years of crises, acute trusts were forced to think and work differently – accelerating innovation and the application of technology to deliver patient care within operational and workforce constraints. This does not simply mean coming up with new ideas. It increasingly means reliably identifying and spreading best practice, perhaps combining elements of tech with working practices to solve particularly challenging problems.
This award will recognise NHS acute sector organisations doing just that. Our judges will be looking for innovations which are improving patient care, leading to improved experience and outcomes. They will be keen to identify NHS acute organisations where innovation is truly nurtured – where good ideas are quickly identified and spread within and beyond the boundaries of the organisation.
We are not seeking reinventions of the wheel: we want to hear from teams who are doing something genuinely new, while building on the good practice already out there. Innovations which have been genuinely co-produced with patients will be of particular interest.
The award is open to all NHS acute or specialist organisations.