HSJ Awards 2024 - Staff Wellbeing Award
Staff Wellbeing Award

How to apply

Entries have now closed


The evidence from more than two decades of study is that a workforce that feels valued and has an element of control over its future is healthier and more productive. High levels of staff engagement result in improved levels of patient satisfaction, so staff wellbeing is essential to patient wellbeing.  

In the throes of economic recession, amidst strikes and financial turbulence, the imperative to fortify NHS staff wellbeing, motivation, morale and mental health takes on a stark urgency. Winners of this award will be organisations which can demonstrate successful initiatives driving retention, job prospects and positive working environments. 

Judges are looking for examples of positive working culture with clear channels of discussion and recourse; an accepting and open environment with consideration to protect characteristics and initiatives driving representation; projects aimed at bringing staff into the decision making process and improving the lives of patients as a result.  


This award is open to all NHS organisations which can demonstrate high levels of staff engagement and can demonstrate impact with wellbeing.


  • Describe the vision for staff engagement and wellbeing at the organisation
  • How does that vision translate into initiatives aimed at delivering a better working environment for staff?
  • Describe strategies employed to drive better representation, inclusion and participation in decision making.
  • Outline the focus on culture, safety, learning and sharing information.
  • Give examples of initiatives aimed at engaging with staff.


  • How has staff engagement and wellbeing improved and has this been in line with the vision?
  • Provide qualitative results in the form of testimonials and improvements in satisfaction.
  • Provide quantitative evidence on improvements in engagement at all levels of the organisation
  • Is there evidence that improved staff engagement has led to improved patient care, improved experience, improved outcomes and/or improved value for money?


  • Judges are looking for initiatives which have embedded and spread to other departments, settings or organisations. Alternatively, clear evidence the work is potentially replicable and scalable.
  • What efforts are being made to share learning?


  • How has working with staff led to improvements in care?
  • Provide examples where value has been realised as a result of work done with staff.


  • How have results been achieved as a result of partnership working with third party bodies?
  • Where relevant provide evidence of patient involvement in the design of the staff engagement initiative.
  • Describe an open culture, in which all staff feel comfortable raising concerns and confident they will receive an effective response.
  • How has the organisation worked with groups representing protected characteristics to achieve more inclusion?

To find out more

Entries, attendance and sponsorship enquiries, contact awardssupport@hsj.co.uk 
Media and marketing enquiries, contact Honey de Gracia 0207 608 9002;
Judging and event management, contact Sheena Patel 0207 608 9039