
  • Provide a clear rationale for specific efforts to bolster partnership working across the NHS, public and third sector at a place level, describing the context with supporting information.
  • How did the partnership approach differ from what had come before and what challenges are being addressed?
  • Describe the team involved in the collaboration in terms of expertise and experience.
  • What planning in place and what targets are set? Provide evidence on financial and outcome goals.


  • Describe the results of the partnership, were targets met and what challenges were faced?
  • Evidence how the partnership and integrated working has led to improved patient care, improved experience, improved outcomes and/or improved value for money. This must have a quantitative aspect, but can include qualitative feedback as well.


  • Detail how partnership working and this new approach to integration has demonstrably spread throughout organisations and the local health and care economy.
  • How are the organisations involved sharing learnings from the project within the local area and beyond?


  • How has the partnership added value to services and increased capacity, efficiency and/or sharing of information?
  • What evidence is there that patient/citizen experience and outcomes have improved across the system?
  • What impact has there been on staff including their ability to deliver quality care and their overall satisfaction?
  • Provide quantitative evidence that value for money has improved as a result of the strengthened partnerships at a place level.


  • Describe the engagement of staff at all levels and how relevant leads in all partner organisations were fully engaged in developing this new approach to care
  • How were citizens and patients involved in developing this new approach to care? Judges will want to see clear evidence of involvement.
  • How has a culture of collaboration been developed and nurtured as the integration approach has matured?