Award Winner
NHS England and NHS Improvement - Workforce Race Equality Standard (WRES) Team
Highly Commended
University Hospitals of Leicester Trust - The Leicestershire School of Nursing Associates - a practice approach to developing a new workforce
The Rotherham FT - Advanced & Consultant AHP Practice - Service Re-design
Read more about the winners and their projects here.
- Cornwall Partnership FT, Developing a psychological workforce for now and the future
- Cornwall Partnership FT, Workforce Transformation Integration Sprints
- Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust, Vocational Rehabilitation Service including job taster programme
- Medway FT, International nurse recruitment
- NHS England and NHS Improvement, Workforce Race Equality Standard (WRES) Team
- North Cumbria Integrated Care FT, Saving Money to Save Lives
- Portsmouth Hospitals Trust, Modern Innovative Solutions to Improve Outcomes in Asthma, Breathlessness and COPD (MISSION ABC)
- The Rotherham FT, Advanced & Consultant AHP Practice - Service Re-design
- University Hospitals of Leicester Trust, The Leicestershire School of Nursing Associates - a practice approach to developing a new workforce
- West London Trust, Improving the wellbeing of the workforce in an IAPT service
- Yeovil District Hospital FT, Person-Centred Recruitment