- Acute or Specialist Trust of the Year

Award Partner

WINNER: Surrey and Sussex Healthcare Trust
HIGHLY COMMENDED: Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals FT
- Croydon Health Services Trust
- Frimley Health FT
- Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital FT
- Royal Papworth Hospital FT
- South Central Ambulance Service FT
- The Royal Orthopaedic Hospital FT
- University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire Trust
- Acute Sector Innovation of the Year

WINNER: Royal Devon and Exeter FT, Patient led home blood testing
HIGHLY COMMENDED: Buckinghamshire Healthcare Trust, Phoenix Upper Limb Studio - National Spinal Injuries Centre, Stoke Mandeville Hospital
- Blackpool Teaching Hospitals FT, Development of Cardiology Procedure – Global First
- Bradford Teaching Hospitals FT, COVID-19 Heat-mapping
- Calderdale and Huddersfield FT, Transforming Outpatient Care
- London North West University Healthcare Trust, Rapid Covid-19 Testing
- Northumbria Healthcare FT in partnership with North East Ambulance Service and Fujifilm UK, X-ray Response Team
- Royal Free London FT, Lantern LAMP and LFD Testing
- The Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital Trust, Open Source Modular EPR
- Clinical Leader of the Year

WINNER: Dr Ashwani Peshen, Margate GP and Thanet Clinical Leader, Kent and Medway CCG
HIGHLY COMMENDED: Dr Charlie Kenward, Associate Medical Director, Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire CCG and GP at Southmead and Henbury Family Practice in Bristol
- Jennifer Daniel, ICN+ Service Manager, One Croydon Alliance
- Sabrina Das, Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist, Imperial College Healthcare Trust
- Dr Paddy Hannigan, Clinical Lead for the Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent Vaccination Programme, Chair of Stafford and Surrounds CCG, Senior Responsible Officer ICS Digital Programme, Staffordshire and Stoke on Trent ICS
- Lucy Kenyon, Nurse Consultant, Workability Solutions and Immediate Past President of iOH, The Association of Occupational Health and Wellbeing Professionals
- Brendan McGrath, Consultant in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine; Honorary Senior Lecturer, Manchester University FT
- Nick Preston, Clinical Digital Lead EPR Theatres Workstream, North Bristol Trust
- James Taylor, Consultant Anaesthetist and Acting Director of Operations, Bradford Teaching Hospitals FT
- Connecting Services and Information Award

WINNER: Norfolk and Waveney CCG, Covid-19 Protect
HIGHLY COMMENDED: North East and North Cumbria ICS and Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals FT, Great North Care Record
- Barnsley Hospital FT, Oxygen supply management during Covid-19 pandemic
- Cheshire and Merseyside Health and Care Partnership, Combined Intelligence for Population Health Action (CIPHA)
- Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership, Digital innovation to improve maternity stop smoking services in Greater Manchester
- Greater Manchester Urgent Primary Care Alliance, Greater Manchester Single UEC Interoperability ICS Platform
- NHS England and NHS Improvement, Covid-19 Digital Staff Passport
- NHSX, Improving Care Home digital access to healthcare information
- West Yorkshire and Harrogate Health and Care Partnership, Covid-19 Vaccination Programme for Unpaid Carers
- Digitising Patient Services Initiative

Award Partner

WINNER: NHS Forth Valley, Greater Glasgow & Clyde and Grampian, Storm ID, Modernising Patient Pathways Programme (Centre for Sustainable Deliver - CfSD), NHS National Services Scotland and NHS Education for Scotland, Digital Dermatology Assessment – An alternative to Face-to-Face Consultations: Development, Expansion and Spread During Covid-19
HIGHLY COMMENDED: Leeds Children's Hospital and DigiBete CIC, DigiBete Diabetes App for Children and Young People
- Bradford, District and Craven ICP, Celebrating and showcasing the evolution of a Digital Care Hub underpinning service transformation across Bradford District and Craven and beyond
- Calderdale and Huddersfield FT, Transforming Outpatient Care
- Forensic and Offender Health Pathway, South London and Maudsley FT, Digital access to interventions in secure in-patient services
- Leicestershire Partnership Trust and University Hospitals of Leicester Trust, Using remote monitoring technologies to keep heart failure, COPD and Covid-19 patients safe and at home during the pandemic
- Luton and Dunstable University Hospital, Bedfordshire Hospitals FT, A gold standard digital teledermatology solution for patients with suspected skin cancer during the Covid-19 pandemic
- Southern Health FT, Delivering Care through Video Technology
- The Rotherham FT, Expanding Speech Therapy Services through synchronous and asynchronous digital care using Microsoft Teams
- Driving Efficiency through Technology Award

WINNER: HUC, Virtual Waiting Room
HIGHLY COMMENDED: West Hertfordshire Hospitals Trust, Digitisation of Trauma Pathways
- Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership Trust and Oxehealth, Improved operational efficiencies through better care and patient safety in inpatient mental health services
- Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital FT, Covid-19 Vaccination ePSD
- Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells Trust, MTW Care Coordination Centre powered by a new bed management system
- Nottingham University Hospitals Trust and DrDoctor, NUH enabling digital pathways to transform outpatient care
- Portsmouth Hospitals University Trust, Emergency Department Intelligent Automation - Automating Ambulance Handovers for Faster, Safer and Less Stressful Patient Information Processing
- St George's Hospital, South West London Pathology, Technologies Validation Group (Department of Health and Social Care Test and Trace) and LumiraDx, Implementing Covid-19 Point of Care Testing in the Emergency Department
- Torbay and South Devon FT and Health and Care Innovations (HCI), CONNECTPlus: Multiple conditions app that reduces demand by empowering patients to self manage
- Environmental Sustainability Award

WINNER: St Andrew's Healthcare, Growing Spaces to Grow
HIGHLY COMMENDED: Royal Cornwall Hospitals Trust, Sustainable RCHT
- 63 GPs, Hospitals and Ambulance Services, Reusable Facemask Pilot Project
- Cambridge University Hospitals FT, Real Ambition, Real Vision, Real Action and Real Outcomes for 'Net-Zero' Circular Economy Healthcare
- Frimley Health FT, Green Ward Competition
- Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust, Green Plan
- Manchester University FT, A Manchester Journey to Net Zero Carbon
- Sheffield Children's FT, Green Plan
- Sherwood Forest Hospitals FT, Climate Action Team
- Freedom to Speak up Organisation of the Year

Award Partner

WINNER: Northumbria Healthcare FT, Freedom to Speak Up - The Northumbria Way
HIGHLY COMMENDED: Chesterfield Royal Hospital FT, Thank you for Speaking Up
- Midlands Partnership FT, Organisational commitment and individual promotion encourages an open culture
- North East London FT, Embedding Freedom to Speak Up
- North Manchester General Hospital, Junior Doctors Leaders Group
- Northern Lincolnshire & Goole FT, BAME Covid-19 Response
- Sirona care & health, Freedom to Speak Up in Community Services
- South Tees FT, A Shared Vision of Freedom to Speak Up
- Worcestershire Acute Hospitals Trust, Embedding Freedom to Speak Up Culture
- Health and Local Government Partnership Award

WINNER: Collaborative Newcastle, Working together to improve health, wealth and wellbeing: Care Home Support during Covid
HIGHLY COMMENDED: Leeds Health and Care System, Leeds Shielding Support Programme
- Barts Health Trust, Barts Health, Public Health Teams of LB Hackney, LB Newham, LB Walthamstow & East London Partnership - working together to get the vaccine where it's needed most
- Cheshire and Merseyside Health and Care Partnership , Cheshire and Merseyside Social Value Partnership
- County Durham Care Partnership, Health and Local Government Integration in County Durham
- Derbyshire Community Health Services FT, Multi-Agency Discharge to Assess Pathway Monitoring
- Hillingdon Health and Care Partners and The London Borough of Hillingdon, Hillingdon Care Home Support Team
- Somerset FT and Somerset ICS, Creating a Blueprint for Intermediate Care
- Surrey Heartlands Health and Care Partnership, Learning Disability & Autism Programme
- HSJ Partnership of the Year

WINNER: Attain, East Berkshire CCG and Berkshire Healthcare FT, East Berkshire Autism and ADHD Service Transformation
HIGHLY COMMENDED: The Redmoor-ELC Partnership and NHS England and Improvement General Practice Nurse Ten Point Plan Team, Spreading Video Group Clinics in Primary Care
- Archus, Mott MacDonald, Q5, Hoare Lea, BDP, Welsh Rugby Union and Cardiff & Vale University Health Board, Dragon’s Heart Hospital/Ysbyty Calon y Ddraig
- Allocate Software and Bolton FT, Covid-19 Sickness Absence Recording and Absence Management
- Boehringer-Ingelheim and Oxfordshire CCG, Integrated Multi-Disciplinary Respiratory Team
- CF, Pandemic Scenario Planning Software for London
- KFM, Enhanced Supply Chain Service
- Medway and Swale Integrated Care Partnership, DAB111: Introducing Direct Access Booking from 111 into Urgent and Emergency Care
- Oxehealth and Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership Trust, Fewer Incidents and Better Care in Inpatient Mental Health Hospitals
- Oxehealth and Oxford Health FT, Improving Sleep on Inpatient Mental Health Wards
- Oxehealth, Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership Trust, Oxford Health FT and South London and Maudsley FT, Improving Safety and Care for Inpatient Mental Health Patients
- PA Consulting, NHS Seacole Centre at Headley Court, Surrey
- Proud2bOps and Sherwood Forest Hospitals FT, A Senior Operational Movement: Energising, Connecting and Developing Operational Leaders
- Spire Healthcare and the NHS in England, Wales and Scotland, Responding to the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Tower Hamlets Together, Family-Focused Multi-Agency Shielding Support for Clinically Extremely Vulnerable Children
- Integrated Care System of the Year

Award Partner

WINNER: West Yorkshire and Harrogate ICS, Improving people's health and wellbeing
HIGHLY COMMENDED: Sussex Health and Care Partnership, Development of system working during a pandemic
- All Together Better, Integrating Health and Social Care in Sunderland
- Frimley Health and Care ICS, Creating healthier communities together
- Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership, Greater Manchester Perinatal & Infant Mental Health Programme: Championing the first 1001 Critical Days
- Health Care Partners, Centralised wound care across the Integrated Care System
- One Gloucestershire ICS, Integrated Working During Covid-19
- South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw ICS, Integrated Stroke Delivery Network (ISDN)
- Surrey Heartlands Health and Care Partnership, GP and Provider Collaborative Direct Access Urgent CT Lung Pathway
- Mental Health Innovation of the Year

Award Partner

WINNER: Reprezent, Healthy London Partnership and the University of Sheffield, On The Level - Interactive Mental Health TV show for pupils
HIGHLY COMMENDED: North Yorkshire CCG, The North Yorkshire Children and Young People's Sleep Service
- Alder Hey Children’s FT, CYP As One - a web-based platform to unite mental health services for CYP
- Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear FT, Delirium Liaison Pathway
- Hertfordshire County Council, Just Talk Herts: Hertfordshire's Multi-Agency Children and Young People's Mental Health Campaign Steered by Young People
- Lancashire and South Cumbria FT, Advice and Guidance
- North Hampshire CCG and Big Health, Digital alternatives to mental health drugs: Sleepio in North Hampshire
- Southern Health FT, Hampshire and Isle of Wight NHS 111 Mental Health Crisis Pathway
- Surrey and Borders Partnership FT, Transforming community mental health care for people in Surrey and NE Hampshire
- Mental Health Trust of the Year

Award Partner

WINNER: Somerset FT
- Lincolnshire Partnership FT
- Midlands Partnership FT
- Military and Civilian Health Partnership Award

Award Partner

WINNER: North East London FT and 22 Field Hospital, NHS London Nightingale Hospital Build 2021
HIGHLY COMMENDED: Defence Medical Services, Defence Covid-19 Rehabilitation and Recovery Services
- Defence Medical Welfare Service, Medical Welfare
- Frimley Health FT in partnership with the MOD, FHFT Working in Partnership with JHG (SE)
- Leeds and York Partnership FT, Op Courage: Veterans High Intensity Service North
- NHS England and NHS Improvement in partnership with Veterans HQ, Veterans in Custody; New Beginnings
- South Central Ambulance Service and the Ministry of Defence, Covid-19 Military Co Responder Response
- Trauma Simulation & Military Operational Specialist Team Training Course Leadership Team, Developing Immersive Military Trauma Surgery Simulation – Bringing Damage Control Surgery Simulation to Life and Preparing Surgical Teams for War
- University Hospitals of Derby and Burton FT, Journey of British Army Military Personnel deployment to UHDB
- NHS Communications Initiative of the Year Award

WINNER: Cheshire and Merseyside Integrated Care System & Partners, Getting under the skin - The impact of Covid-19 on Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic communities
HIGHLY COMMENDED: Cheshire CCG, Spreading the Vaccine, not the Virus: A Network of Networks
- East Suffolk and North Essex FT, So We Don’t Forget, listening and learning together – our ESNEFT Communication Team’s approach
- Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership, Ending all new cases of HIV in Greater Manchester with a generation (HIVe)
- Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland CCGs, Building Better Hospitals Leicester
- NHS Blood and Transplant, Communications through Covid-19 Convalescent Plasma Programme
- North East Ambulance Service FT, Communicating during Covid-19 - keeping staff informed
- North East and North Cumbria Suicide Prevention Network, Suicide and Self-harm Resource Tins & Resources - Improving access to information and resources project
- Northamptonshire Health and Care Partnership, Health and care staff wellbeing during a pandemic: a system-wide virtual wellbeing festival
- NHS Race Equality Award

Award Partner

WINNER: The Shuri Network and Health Education England, Supporting BAME women in digital health
HIGHLY COMMENDED: South East Region, NHS England and NHS Improvement, Turning the Tide on Racial Inequalities
- Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Healthier Together Partnership Vaccination Programme, Maximising Covid-19 vaccination uptake in a diverse population
- East Lancashire Hospitals Trust, Advancing Race Equality via the Black Asian Minority Ethnic (BAME) Staff Network
- Healthier Futures Black Country and West Birmingham, Community Inclusion Team
- Surrey Heartlands ICS, BAME Alliance
- Sussex Health and Care Partnership, Sussex BAME Disparity Response Programme
- Sussex Health and Care Partnership, Sussex BAME Locally Commissioned Service
- West Yorkshire and Harrogate Health and Care Partnership, Tackling Inequalities Related to Ethnicity for Colleagues and Communities
- Patient Safety Award

Award Partner

WINNER: The Academic Health Science Network, NHS England and NHS Improvement Personalised Care Group and National Patient Safety Team and NHS Digital, Covid-19 Oximetry @home - improving safety and increasing patient empowerment
HIGHLY COMMENDED: Croydon Health Services, Opt out HIV testing in the Emergency Department
- Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership Trust and Oxehealth, Improving Safety and Quality of Care for Inpatient Mental Health Patients
- East Lancashire Hospitals Trust, Enhanced Approach to Tackle Covid-19
- Inclusion - part of Midlands Partnership FT, Enhancing Mental Health Interventions at HMP Hewell
- Lancashire Teaching Hospitals FT, Always Safety First
- North West Ambulance Service Trust, Every Minute Matters Hospital Handover Collaborative
- Royal College of Physicians Patient Safety Committee and The Society for Endocrinology, Development of an NHS Steroid Emergency Card and NHS wide Steroid Safety Strategy
- Salford Royal FT, Minimising Covid-19 transmission in haemodialysis units
- Primary Care Innovation of the Year

WINNER: Cambridgeshire and Peterborough CCG, Arthur Rank Hospice Charity, HUC and East of England Ambulance Service Trus, 111 Option 3 - Palliative Care Telephone Service
HIGHLY COMMENDED: Tower Hamlets GP Care Group, Poplar HARCA and North East London CCG, Health Spot
- Boroughbury Paston Primary Care Network, Wildflowers
- Innovation Agency, Liverpool Heart & Chest Hospital FT, Liverpool University Hospitals FT and Primary Care Knowsley, Proactive management of Asthma in primary care for patients in Knowsley
- Norfolk and Waveney CCG, Covid-19 Protect
- North Norfolk Primary Care, Reducing patient waiting times from 50 weeks to 48 hours with photo advice and guidance
- South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw ICS Cancer Alliance, Nudge the Odds - Adopting behavioural science to increase early diagnosis of cancer
- Southend West Central Primary Care Network as part of Mid and South Essex Health and Care Partnership, Southend Integrated Healthcare for the Homeless
- Woolpit Health Centre and West Suffolk CCG, Mass vaccination drive through
- Primary Care Networks, GP or Community Provider of the Year

Award Partner

WINNER: Care Plus Group, Open Door support for underserved communities in North East Lincolnshire
HIGHLY COMMENDED: Provide CIC, Navigating the pandemic and transforming lives through innovation, care and compassion
- Alliance for Better Care, GP Federation supporting the sustainability and success of General Practice in East Surrey, Crawley, Horsham and Mid-Sussex
- Barnsley Healthcare Federation, Covid-19 Response - Blue Clinic, Out of Hours, Extended Hours and PCN Vaccination Programme
- Central Liverpool Primary Care Network, Tackling Racial Inequality Working Group
- First 4 Health Group & Healthtech 1, Implementing a game changing digital transformation program
- K2 Healthcare GP Federation, From Neighbourhood to System – Collaborative Working in South West Lincolnshire
- Margate, Mocketts Wood and Coastal and Rural Excellence PCNs, GP Led Local Vaccination Centre in Thanet
- Nimbuscare, A leading GP-led ‘at scale’ healthcare provider in York
- Provider Collaboration of the Year

WINNER: Innovation Agency NWC, Atrial Fibrillation Ambassadors in the Community
- East London FT and North Central and East London Provider Collaborative, Thinking and Doing Commissioning Differently - Giving the Collaborative Steering Wheel to Users
- Gloucestershire CCG and Gloucestershire Health & Care FT, South Cotswold’s Frailty Team and GP practices in the South Cotswold’s Primary Care Network - Gloucestershire Dementia Co-diagnosis Collaborative
- Midlands Partnership FT, West Midlands Adult Eating Disorders Provider Collaborative
- North East and North Cumbria ICS and Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals FT, Great North Care Record
- NHS Supply Chain and the South London Operational Delivery Network, Clinician-led Procurement Delivers Significant Impacts
- Sheffield CCG, Primary Care Sheffield, Sheffield Health & Social Care FT, Sheffield Mind, Sheffield City Council and Sheffield Primary Care Networks, Sheffield Mental Health Collaboration (Primary & Community Mental Health Transformation Programme)
- South London Mental Health and Community Partnership, Collaboration not competition to transform mental health care for South London
- West of England Academic Health Science Network, South West of England Academic Health Science Network and SW Neonatal Operational Delivery Network, Perinatal Excellence in Reducing Preterm Brain Injury (PERIPrem)
- Staff Engagement Award

WINNER: Solent Trust, The HEART of Solent
HIGHLY COMMENDED: NHS England and NHS Improvement, National Workforce Engagement in Implementing the Matron's Handbook
- Kent Community Health FT, Our people: Nothing about them, without them
- Lancashire and South Cumbria FT, Inspiring Culture Change through Inclusive Engagement
- North Bristol Trust, Developing a psychologically safe, restorative Just Culture at NBT: a model of true engagement and partnership working
- North East London CCG, Diversity Network engagement: delivering an inclusive, intersectional culture where everyone's voice is heard
- North Staffordshire Combined Healthcare Trust, A Combined Approach to Staff Engagement
- West Hertfordshire Hospitals Trust, Reigniting our BAME workforce at a time of national crisis
- West Yorkshire and Harrogate Health and Care Partnership , Race Equality Staff Engagement
- System Led Support for Carers Award

Award Partner

WINNER: Care for the Carers, Intensive Support to Carers in Hastings
HIGHLY COMMENDED: West Yorkshire and Harrogate Unpaid Carers Programme, Covid-19 Vaccination Programme for Unpaid Carers
- Caring Together, Creating Carer-Friendly Communities for young carers in Norfolk
- Doncaster Council & AMP Group Practice, Doncaster Mind the Gap - Ethnic Minority Carers and General Practice
- n-compass, Carers Digital Community Network
- Newton Medical Centre, SSP Health, Impact of Covid-19 on Carers: Caring for Carers - Can we be of help?
- Workforce Initiative of the Year

Award Partner

WINNER: NHS England and NHS Improvement, #Looking After You Too
HIGHLY COMMENDED: Dartford and Gravesham Trust, Joy at Work – Health and Wellbeing in Action
- Alder Hey Children's FT, Paediatric Physician Associate Workforce
- Cardiff and Vale University Health Board, Eye care without boundaries: A true shared care vision for patient benefit in Wales
- DigitalHealth.London, DigitalHealth.London's Digital Pioneer Fellowship programme
- Health Education England, Covid-19 Vaccination elearning Programme
- Institute of Health Visiting, Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Champions' Programme
- NHS Clinical Leaders Network, Enhancing Mental Health Resilience Programme
- Worcestershire Acute Hospitals Trust, Improving skill mix and removing barriers across the multidisciplinary team through flexible & adaptive roles to deliver transformational change