Award Winner
Northumberland Tyne and Wear FT
Highly Commended
Sheffield Teaching Hospitals FT, Department of Obstetric Anaesthesia
Click here to view the winner’s story
- Birmingham Community Healthcare FT, Reducing falls in a rehabilitation setting
- Buckinghamshire Healthcare Trust, Use of Enhanced Mortality Review to Improve Patient Safety for Future Populations
- Cambridge University Hospitals FT, Using digital technology to improve sepsis care and save lives
- Healthy London Partnership and The Metropolitan Police Service, Handover process for Voluntary Mental Health patients in Emergency Departments
- Homerton University Hospital Trust, Can Improvement Be Maintained? Sepsis Recognition and Care Quality Improvement at Homerton University Hospital in the ED and Acu
- Mersey Care FT, Reducing self-harm on inpatient wards
- Northumberland Tyne and Wear FT, Personality Disorder Hub team
- Portsmouth Hospitals Trust, Your patient is deteriorating, it’s Time to ACT
- Royal United Hospitals Bath FT, Improved outcomes for inpatients developing Sepsis and AKI using Quality Improvement methodology
- Sheffield Teaching Hospitals FT, Department of Obstetric Anaesthesia, The development and implementation of a general anaesthesia airway safety checklist for casearean section patients.