NHS Race and Health Observatory
The NHS Race and Health Observatory is an independent expert body, established by the NHS to examine the health inequalities experienced by Black, Asian and ethnic minority patients, communities and the health and care workforce. The Observatory works to identify and tackle ethnic inequalities in health and care by facilitating research, making health policy recommendations and enabling long-term transformational change.
The Observatory works as a proactive investigator; it is data and evidence-driven, as well as factual and solution-focused. The Observatory has been practically supporting the healthcare system to make change through tangible recommendations, the creation of resources, and the provision of direct support to NHS organisations at all levels. A little over a year into its existence, the Observatory has already had impact far beyond what would be expected of an organisation of its age and size. Its work has led to a national review of medical devices, formed ground-breaking international partnerships, and is delivering major policy change.
The diverse and influential board of the Observatory is chaired by Marie Gabriel CBE. The Director of the Observatory is Dr Habib Naqvi MBE.