Award Winner
East Midlands AHSN
Click here to view the winner’s story
- Barts Health Trust, Celebrating Difference: Improving psychological well-being in children and young people with chronic physical illness
- East Midlands Academic Health Science Network, Transforming ADHD Care Across the East Midlands
- Healthy London Partnership and South London and Maudsley FT, Implementation of the s136 pan-London new model of care
- Hertfordshire Partnership University FT, May Contain Nuts Theatre Group
- Humber Teaching FT - Social Mediation and Self-Help, SMASH
- King's College Hospital FT, 3 Dimensions for Long Term Conditions
- North East Essex CCG, Tendring Mental Health Hub
- Northamptonshire Healthcare FT, Body worn cameras on mental health wards - A feasibility study
- Northumbria Healthcare FT, Developing a Health Psychology and Mental Health Service Pathway, and midwifery led birth reflection service (BRS)
- Plymouth University Peninsula Schools of Medicine and Dentistry and Plymouth Hospitals Trust, Supporting mental health teams in screening for dementia - ACEmobile.
- Principia Multi-Specialty Community Provider, Successfully Managing Persistent Physical and Mental Medically Unexplained Symptoms in Primary Care