Award Winner
Kingston Hospital FT - Maternity Department
Click here to view the winner’s story
- AT Learning, EZ Doc - Workflow Optimisation
- Health Education England and the National Institute for Health Research, The HEE/NIHR Integrated Clinical Academic Programme
- Kilburn Primary Care Co-op, Dementia Care Kilburn Partnerships in Innovative Education (PIE)
- Kingston Hospital FT - Maternity, Physiological CTG and Human Factors training to Reduce early neonatal deaths and intrapartum brain damage
- Liverpool Health Partners: North West Coast Genomics Education Group, Liverpool Health Partners(LHP): Bringing Genomics to Healthcare across the North-West Coast (NWC) – educating staff and patients
- Royal United Hospitals Bath FT, Increasing capacity and capability in Quality Improvement resulting in improved patient care across the organisation
- Soar Beyond - i2i Network, i2i Network for GP Practice Pharmacists
- The NEPTUNE Project, Central and North West London FT, The NEPTUNE Project (Novel Psychoactive Treatment UK Network)
- West Midlands Leadership Academy, Health Education England, Forward Thinking Leaders: Developing inclusive compassionate leaders and communities to deliver an NHS for tomorrow