Award Winner
Conexus Healthcare
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Highly Commented: Mersey Care FT
- Barnsley CCG, Transforming Intermediate Care by Alliance working
- Conexus Healthcare, Care Navigation - National Consultancy & Training Programme
- Ipswich and East Suffolk Alliance, Discharge to Assess Programme (D2A) - Short Term Assessment Reablement & Rehabilitation (STARR) Centre
- LLR Alliance, LLR Community Endoscopy Redesign Project
- Mersey Care FT, Personality Disorder Hub
- Modality Partnership, Community Outpatient Services
- SDS MyHealthcare, SDS MyHealthcare Virtual Community Clinics in collaboration with other NHS, Health and Social Care providers.
- South Tees Hospitals FT, North of England Regional Back Pain and Radicular Pain Pathway
- University Hospitals Birmingham FT, Umbrella Health