- Acute Sector Innovation of the Year

WINNER: University Hospitals of Leicester Trust - Atrial Fibrillation Virtual Ward
HIGHLY COMMENDED: Barking, Havering and Redbridge Trust - Elective Surgical Hub
- Buckinghamshire Healthcare Trust - Bucks Breast Unit: Pioneering the MagTotal approach to improve breast cancer surgery
- Cambridge University Hospitals FT - REVERT - The Reversible Dementia Project
- Exeter Genomics Laboratory, Royal Devon University Healthcare FT and the Genomic Medicine Service, - Rapid genome sequencing for acutely unwell babies and children
- National Renal Complement Therapeutics Centre - National Renal Complement Therapeutics Centre
- Northern Care Alliance FT - Embedding strengths-based approaches for a safe, person-centred experience from the point of admission, during and following hospital discharge
- South London Trusts, South East London ICB, South West London ICB and South London Office of Specialised Services - Opt-out Blood-borne Virus (BBV) Testing in South London Emergency Departments
- The Royal Orthopaedic Hospital FT - Osseointegration surgery at the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital
- Clinical Leader of the Year

WINNER: Professor Jonathan Valabhji OBE, National Clinical Director for Diabetes and Obesity - NHS England
HIGHLY COMMENDED: Dr Mohammed Munavvar, Consultant Respiratory Physician and Interventional Pulmonologist - Lancashire Teaching Hospitals FT
- Andrew Barton, Nurse Consultant, IV Therapy and Vascular Access IVAS Lead Nurse - Frimley Health FT
- Jules Gudgeon, National Digital Midwife Lead for Maternity Services - NHS England
- Dr Niall Keenan, Associate Medical Director for Innovation and Quality - West Hertfordshire Teaching Hospitals Trust
- Dr Bharan Kumar, GP Partner, Clinical Director - SHAPE PCN and Frimley ICB
- Professor Rowan Pritchard Jones, Executive Medical Director - Cheshire and Merseyside ICS
- Dr Alex Simms, Consultant Cardiologist - The Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust
- Louisa Wickham, Medical Director - Moorfields Eye Hospital
- Data-Driven Transformation Award

WINNER: Mid and South Essex ICS, Essex Partnership University Trust and Arden and Gem CSU - Electronic Frailty Care Co-ordination System (eFraCCS) and Frailty End-of-Life Dementia Assessment (FrEDA)
HIGHLY COMMENDED: North West London ICS, South East London ICS, Imperial College Health Partners and Vizify - London Asthma Decision Support Tool (LADS)
- Cambridgeshire and Peterborough ICB, Greater Peterborough Network, East of England Ambulance Service - Call Before Convey
- Gloucestershire ICB and Gloucestershire Hospitals FT - Caring for Communities and People and Home Group - One Gloucestershire - High Intensity Use Patients
- NHS South, Central and West, Peninsula Cancer Alliance and Somerset, Wiltshire, Avon and Gloucestershire Cancer Alliance - South West Prostate Cancer Dashboard
- NHS Sussex - Data Driven Transformation - Improving population health outcomes and health inequalities across NHS Sussex community musculoskeletal services
- North of England Care System Support - OPTICA - Optimising Patient Flow and Hospital Discharge Processes
- University Hospitals of North Midlands Trust - Automated Weight Management Programme Referrals
- West Suffolk FT - Stroke Service – Using data to drive and improve patient care & outcomes
- Digitising Patient Care Award

WINNER: Leeds Children's Hospital, NHS Diabetes Programme and DigiBete CIC - The DigiBete App - 24/7 Digital Diabetes Self Management Solution for Children and Families
HIGHLY COMMENDED: The Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust - Virtual Fracture Clinic
- Alder Hey Children's Hospital and Isla - Driving Remote Digital Care Transformation in Paediatric Ophthalmology
- Barts Heart Centre, St. Bartholomew's Hospital and Barts Health Trust - Digitalisation of Electrocardiograms (ECGs): Service development from online requesting to delivering online ECGs
- Bradford District and Craven Health and Care Partnership - ASSIST BCD - Assisting Bradford District and Craven Beating Diabetes
- Devon ICB - GP in the Cloud
- East Suffolk and North Essex FT - Digitising Personalised care for cancer patients
- SHAPE PCN and Frimley ICB - Digitally Led Hypertension Management
- University of Leeds, University of East Anglia, NHS England, DiabetesTechnologyNetwork-UK, Diabetes UK and Local Maternity Systems - CONCEPTT-2-Care: Improving Pregnancy outcomes for women with Type 1 diabetes through nationwide implementation of digital continuous glucose monitoring technology
- Driving Efficiency Through Technology

WINNER: University of Leeds, University of East Anglia, NHS England, DiabetesTechnologyNetwork-UK, Diabetes UK and Local Maternity Systems - CONCEPTT-2-Care: Improving Pregnancy outcomes for women with Type 1 diabetes through nationwide implementation of continuous glucose monitoring technology
Watch their post-win interview here
HIGHLY COMMENDED: Homerton Healthcare FT - Verbo- an online speech and language therapy toolkit for children and young people
- Barts Health Trust - The ATLAS Pathway: Virtual Ward and Outpatient Angiography for low risk patients presenting with Acute Coronary Syndromes
- Cheshire & Wirral Partnership FT - Maximising efficiency and optimising compliance through adoption of a technological solution to administer the governance of MHA legislation
- The Dudley Group FT - Paediatric Virtual Ward
- Lancashire & South Cumbria Trust - Initial Response Service
- NHS South West London - Universal Care Plan Programme
- North West London APC - The Care Coordination Solution (CCS)
- University Hospitals of Leicester Trust - Atrial Fibrillation Virtual Ward
- HSJ Partnership Award

WINNER: Definition Health and Royal Surrey FT - Use of a Total Digital Surgery Tool to improve prehabilitation of patients and increase effectiveness of surgery pathways within hospitals
HIGHLY COMMENDED: Vision RT and University Hospitals of Derby and Burton FT - Implementing Tattooless Radiotherapy treatment using surface guided Radiotherapy
- Chiesi, Leicestershire and Rutland LPC and University Hospitals of Leicester Trust - Take AIR Inhaler Recycling Scheme
- getUBetter, NHS South West London and South West London ICS - A HealthTech partnership - meeting the needs of patients, clinicians and the health system across an ICS
- Gilead Sciences, CGL, Forward Trust, Humankind, NHS APA, Turning Point, WDP, We Are With You, NHS England and the Hepatitis C Trust - Cross-Provider Data Analysis to drive National, Regional and Service level prioritisation of Hepatitis C Elimination efforts across Drug Treatment Services
- Inspira Health, Medtronic, Manchester University FT, Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital FT, Nottingham University Hospitals Trust, Royal Cornwall Hospitals Trust, Kettering General Hospital FT and University Hospitals Plymouth Trust - Primary Care Heart Failure Service
- KFM, SLE and Vanguard - The UK's first fully crash tested transport trolley for critically ill neonates
- Limbic and Surrey and Borders Partnership FT - Using an AI chatbot to help people access mental health support, enhancing patient experience and supporting service efficiency
- Locum’s Nest and Mid and South Essex FT - Herculean medical bank transformation during one of the biggest NHS Trust mergers
- Medefer and Barking, Havering and Redbridge University Hospitals Trust - Innovation and resilience through virtual outpatient services in Gastroenterology
- Medefer and the Surrey and Sussex Cancer Alliance - Targeted Prostate Check
- NHS Professionals International and Pan Mersey - Innovation in International Recruitment
- Innovation and Improvement in Reducing Healthcare Inequalities Award

WINNER: City and Hackney PBP, NHS North East London, Hackney CVS, ELFT, London Borough of Hackney and Corporation of City of London - Peer Led Tree of Life in Schools for African and Caribbean Heritage Young People
HIGHLY COMMENDED: University College London Hospitals FT - RESPOND: an Integrated Asylum-seeker and Refugee Health Service
- Advancing Quality Alliance and Salford City Council - Using asset-based community development to increase uptake of COVID-19 vaccine in Salford
- Coventry & Warwickshire Partnership Trust - Midlands Op Courage
- Hertsmere Borough Council - Hertsmere Cancer Screening Project
- Improvement Academy - Yorkshire Community Health Checks
- Medway Public Health, Kent and Medway ICB, OHID, Kent Community Health FT, EK360 and BHF - Kent and Medway Hypertension Heroes
- Midlands & Lancashire CSU, NHS England and Specialist Pharmacy Services - Learning Disabilities and or Autism: Developing a Community of Practice
- Modality Partnership Hull - Modality Partnership Hull: A PCN approach to core 20 plus 5
- Integrated Care Initiative of the Year

WINNER: HMR Local Care Organisation - Putting communities at the heart of decision making through system integration and learning
Watch their post-win interview here
HIGHLY COMMENDED: South Yorkshire ICB, Doncaster and Bassetlaw Teaching Hospitals FT, Primary Care Doncaster and Rotherham, Doncaster and South Humber FT and FCMS Doncaster - Doncaster Wound Care Alliance
- Berkshire, Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire ICB - An 'all-ages by design' approach to PEoLC in Berkshire, Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire (BOB) ICB
- East London FT - Interface Work between ELFT and Barts therapists to optimise flow in Accident and Emergency/Acute Assessment Unit at Royal London Hospital
- Mid and South Essex ICS, EPUT, EEAST, MSEFT, Essex Police, Social Care, Lived Experience and VCSE Co-Production Group - Mental Health Urgent Care Pathway
- NHS Cheshire and Merseyside - Transforming Integrated Care: Empowering Efficiency and Value through Automation
- The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre - The Cheshire & Merseyside Metastatic Spinal Cord Compression Service
- Medicines, Pharmacy & Prescribing Initiative of the Year

WINNER: Barts Health Trust, North East London ICB, Clinical Effectiveness Group (Queen Mary University of London) and UCLPartners - Specialist pharmacy led cardiovascular risk factor management in primary care: A population health management approach
Watch their post-win interview here
HIGHLY COMMENDED: North Bristol Trust - Pharmacist-designed Best Value Biologic and Targeted Synthetic DMARD Shared Decision-Making Web Tool to empower patients, support clinicians and save money.
- Brent Health Matters, Central London Community Healthcare Trust - Mind The Gap: Pharmacist role in reducing Health Inequalities
- Buckinghamshire Healthcare Trust - Inpatient Pain Team - Mobile Block Service
- King's College Hospital, South London Cardiac Operational Delivery Network and South London Office of Specialised Services - OPAT Service
- Medway FT - Remote Working Pharmacists
- Oxford University Hospitals FT - Integrated Severe Asthma Project (ISAC)
- The Pharmacy Team, Sunderland GP Alliance and Sunderland PCNs - Pharmacy technician led Medicines Discharge Service
- University Hospitals of Leicester Trust and Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland ICS - LUCID Medicines Optimisation - Integrated Pharmacist-led Care for Chronic Kidney Disease
- Mental Health Innovation of the Year

WINNER: Synergi Leeds Partnership - Reducing ethnic inequalities in mental health in Leeds
Watch their post-win interview here
HIGHLY COMMENDED: Pennine Care and Greater Manchester Police - Mental health joint response service
- Berkshire Healthcare FT and Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Thames Valley - BRAVE: Building Resilience and Valuing Emotions after Domestic Abuse
- Essex Partnership University FT - Transitions Psychology Service
- Greater Manchester Mental Health FT and University of Manchester - MCT-PATHWAY & PATHWAY-Beacons
- Health Innovation Network for South London, Academic Health Science Network, South London and Maudsley FT and Kings College London - Early Intervention Eating Disorders (FREED) National Spread Programme
- Hertfordshire Partnership University FT - Fishing for Health (F4H) for Community Learning Disability (LD)
- Lancashire and South Cumbria ICB - Orange Button scheme
- Sheffield Health and Social Care FT - “Less Talk, More Action”: Listening to, and working with community leaders to reduce Race Inequalities in Mental health
- Military and Civilian Health Partnership Award

WINNER: Lincolnshire ICB - The Lincolnshire Military Maternity Project
Watch their post-win interview here
HIGHLY COMMENDED: Health & Justice Commissioning, North East & Yorkshire, NHS England - Sexual Assault Whilst Serving: Commissioning a Forensic Nurse Advisor (Military) as part of the Regional Sexual Assault Referral Centre Service
- East Lancashire Hospitals Trust - East Lancashire Hospitals Armed Forces Veteran & Reservist Partnership Working
- ICON Cope - ICON: Babies Cry; You Can Cope
- London's Air Ambulance Physician Response Unit and Barts Health - London's Air Ambulance Physician Response Unit Defence Nursing Collaboration
- Midlands Partnership University FT - NHS Joining Forces Network
- Nottinghamshire Healthcare FT & Care After Combat - Veteran Care through Custody
- Royal Berkshire FT, Gurkha Community and SSAFA - Supporting our Gurkha Community
- The Royal Orthopaedic Hospital FT - Osseointegration surgery at the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital
- Modernising Diagnostics Award

WINNER: Greater Manchester Mental Health FT - brainHealth Manchester
Watch their post-win interview here
- Barts Health Trust, North East London Cancer Alliance and North East London Imaging Network - Mile End Hospital Early Diagnostics Centre
- Calderdale and Huddersfield FT - Transforming Barrett's Surveillance: The Role of Capsule-Sponge in Modernising Diagnostics
- CMAST – Cheshire and Merseyside Acute and Specialist Trust Collaborative - Cheshire & Merseyside Diagnostics Programme
- Cornwall Partnership FT, Royal Cornwall Hospital Trust and South West Ambulance Service - Low acuity chest pain pathway
- Lancashire Teaching Hospitals FT - Lung Vision System - Accelerating Lung Cancer Diagnosis and Care
- North West Anglia FT and Hexarad Ltd - Digitizing out-of-hours radiology services at Peterborough City Hospital and Hinchingbrooke Hospital
- University Hospitals of Leicester Trust - Endo-sponge - Sponge on a string to detect oesophageal cancer in the Community
- Whittington Health Trust Community Dental Service, UCLH Trust Paediatric Dental Department and Angle House Orthodontics - Establishing advice and guidance pathways in paediatric dentistry to reduce hospital referrals
- NHS Communications Initiative of the Year

WINNER: North East and North Cumbria ICB - #Ouch #ByeByeUTI
Watch their post-win interview here
HIGHLY COMMENDED: NHS Blood and Transplant - Not Family, But Blood
- Kent and Medway Cancer Alliance - #BeSkinSmart -Improving Early Diagnosis of Skin Cancer and Sun Safety in Deprived Coastal Communities.
- NHS England - Solving Together
- North East London Cancer Alliance - Cancer, It’s not a Game
- North Middlesex University Hospital Trust - #ThisIsMe - celebrating our uniqueness in Team North Mid
- Public Health Wales - Healthy Weight Healthy You
- Salisbury FT - ‘Cake with Joe and Jayne’ podcast series
- West London Trust, Imperial College London and InnerEye Productions - Nexus
- NHS Race Equality Award

WINNER: Flourish, NHS Ladywood and Perry Barr Locality Partnership, part of Birmingham and Solihull Integrated Care Partnership - Reducing inequality through creative school and community-based interventions
Watch their post-interview win here
HIGHLY COMMENDED: King's College Hospital and King's College London - Justice for Internationally Educated Nurses working in the UK as Unregistered Practitioners and helping them to regain their professional identity
- Cheltenham and Gloucester Hospitals Charity, Gloucestershire Hospitals FT and Gloucestershire Health and Care FT - Community Wellbeing: Reaching Out Together
- East Cheshire Trust in collaboration with Mid Cheshire Hospitals FT and Countess of Chester FT - Diverse Voices in Leadership
- Kent & Medway ICB - Vaccine Ambassadors in the Community and Care Homes
- Leeds and York Partnership FT, Leeds City Council, Public Health and Forum Central - Synergi Leeds Partnership
- National Institute for Health and Care Research, Clinical Research Network: Greater Manchester - Taking the Genes & Health study into the community
- Nottingham City Place Based Partnership - Culturally Competent Maturity Matrix: Addressing Race Health Inequalities in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire
- Transformation Partners in Health and Care and NHS England London Regional Maternity Team - Anti-Racism Framework and Fellowship
- Patient Safety Award

WINNER: Hull University Teaching Hospitals - Improving the Diagnostic Detection of Thoracic Aortic Dissection in Hull Royal Infirmary Emergency Department
HIGHLY COMMENDED: Isle Of Wight Ambulance Service and Isle of Wight Trust - Integrated Critical Care Pathways Project
- Advancing Quality Alliance, North West Ambulance Service and NHS England (North West) - Ambulance Handover Improvement: System collaboration to improve patient safety during the winter of crisis
- Betsi Cadwaladr UHB - BCU APPLE approach for Hospital Acquired Thrombosis
- Blackpool Teaching Hospitals FT - Preventing Hospital Acquired Pneumonia: Introducing the COUGH care bundle
- Blackpool Teaching Hospitals South Shore Neighbourhood - Reducing pressure ulcer through proactive working
- Cambridge University Hospitals FT: Outpatient Department Nursing Team - Managing the acutely ill patient in the outpatient setting
- North Tees and Hartlepool FT - CareScan+ Complete Point of Care and Scan4Safety Solution
- Southern Health & Social Care Trust - Medicines Management Safety for Domiciliary Care Workers Supporting Adults with Dysphagia
- Performance Recovery Award

WINNER: Coventry and Warwickshire ICS - Improving the Physical Health of People with a Severe Mental Illness in Coventry and Warwickshire - a Whole-Systems Approach
Watch their post-win interview here
HIGHLY COMMENDED: NHS Dorset - Outpatient Assessment Centre @ Dorset Health Village - Orthopaedic performance recovery
- Barking, Havering and Redbridge Trust - Elective Surgical Hub
- Barts Health Trust - Royal London Hospital Imaging Recovery Team
- Calderdale and Huddersfield FT - Delivering elective recovery
- Cardiff and Vale UHB - Changes to Planned Care in Cardiff and Vale UHB
- Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells Trust - Performance recovery driving improvements in patient care
- North Bristol Trust - Delivery of the NBT Breast Cancer Recovery Plan
- University Hospitals Bristol and Weston FT - Every Minute Matters
- Place-based Partnership & Integrated Care Award

WINNER: Walsall Together - Walsall Together - Collaborating for happier communities
Watch their post-win interview here
HIGHLY COMMENDED: Humber Teaching FT - Right Care Right Person in Hull and East Riding
- Collaborative Newcastle - Learning To Lead Together
- County Durham Care Partnership - Integration, Improvement and Ambition
- Mid and South Essex Community Collaborative - Mid and South Essex Virtual Wards and UCRT
- North West Surrey Health and Care Alliance - Working together for the total wellbeing of our community - shifting our focus from reactivity to prevention in the fullest sense
- Northamptonshire Healthcare FT and Northamptonshire Carers - Pumped Up: A community asset group for people living with Heart Failure and Ischaemic Heart Disease
- One Herefordshire Partnership: Herefordshire Council, Herefordshire General Practice, Herefordshire and Worcestershire Health and Care Trust, Wye Valley Trust - Partnership in Practice
- One Weston Locality Partnership - Care Home Hub
- Primary and Community Care Innovation of the Year

WINNER: Stort Valley and Villages PCN - Waiting well with suspected Autism Pathway
- BARDOC - Reactive Falls Service
- Cambridge and Peterborough FT - The Relational Emotional Difficulties Service (REDS)
- Folkestone, Hythe and Rural PCN - The PCN Hub Operating Model
- Lancashire and South Cumbria ICB - General Practice Improvement Week
- NHS England - Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) hubs
- One Bromley Local Care Partnership - Bromley Healthcare, Princess Royal University Hospital (part of King's College Hospital), and the South East London Integrated Care Board - Bromley Healthcare Children and Young People's Hospital at Home
- Royal Devon University Healthcare FT - Empowering teams and improving patient safety with new community nursing bag
- Southern Health & Social Care Trust - Implementation of a Virtual Interdisciplinary Dysphagia Clinic in IS Care Homes
- Primary and Community Care Provider of the Year

WINNER: The Brooke Surgery - Providing patients same day access to primary care 24/7, 365 days a year.
HIGHLY COMMENDED: City Health Care Partnership CIC - Passionate About People
- Alliance for Better Care - Helping to transform how people manage their health in their community
- BARDOC - Urgent and Unscheduled Care
- Bridgewater Community Healthcare FT - Communities Matter – Developing Stronger, Healthier, Happier Communities
- Kent Community Health FT - East Kent Community Specialist Respiratory Service
- Modality Partnership - Leading the way, making positive changes with real impact!
- The University of Nottingham Health Service - Multi-disciplinary primary care team
- University Hospitals of North Midlands Trust and Midlands Partnership Trust - Community Rapid Intervention service & Urgent Care Co ordination centre
- Provider Collaboration of the Year

WINNER: Cheshire and Merseyside Acute and Specialist Trust Collaborative - Elective Recovery, Delivery and Transformation
Watch their post-win interview here
HIGHLY COMMENDED: WMAHSN, BC ICB, BSOL ICB, C&W ICB, H&W ICB, S&S ICB, STW ICB, NHSE, WM LD&A Self-Advocacy Network, WMADASS - West Midlands Managing Deterioration in Care Homes Safety and Improvement Programme
- Barnet, Enfield and Haringey Mental Health Trust - From Hospital to Community - Celebrating the success of the North London Forensic Provider Collaborative
- Blackpool Teaching Hospitals FT - Hospital Based Health Independent Domestic Violence Advisors and Independent Sexual Violence Advisors (HIDVA/HISVA)
- East Cambridgeshire Integrated Neighbourhood - Ely PCNs, District & County Council, Care Network, Age UK, Caring Together, CPFT, Littleport Town Council and CUHFT - Winter Wellness Project
- Leicester, Leicestershire & Rutland ICB, DHU HealthCare, Leicestershire Partnership Trust, East Midlands Ambulance Service Trust and Leicester, Leicestershire & Rutland Adult Social Care Services - Unscheduled Care Coordination Hub
- Mid and South Essex Community Collaborative - Improve, Integrate, Innovate
- Welsh Ambulance Services Trust and Swansea Bay UHB - Rotational Palliative Care Paramedics
- Wirral University Teaching Hospital FT and Countess of Chester FT - Surgical Centre at Clatterbridge
- Reducing Healthcare Inequalities for Children and Young People Award

WINNER: South West Provider Collaborative and Lead Provider Devon Partnership Trust - Transforming access to, and experiences of, specialised mental health care for children and young people in the South West.
Watch their post-win interview here
HIGHLY COMMENDED: Mid and South Essex Hospitals Trust - Reducing inequalities in paediatric Sickle-Cell care provision across Mid & South Essex
- Barts Health Trust - Equity in care for children with Retinoblastoma and a paradigm shift in its detection
- Central and North West London FT - North West London Young Adult Mental Health and Wellbeing Partnership
- Fullscope, Cantab PCN, Cam Medical PCN and Cambridgeshire South Care Partnership - Single Session Thinking: Supporting Children and Young People’s Mental Health
- Leeds GP Confederation - Leeds Community Ambulatory Paediatric Service (CAPS)
- Midlands Partnership University FT - Improving Lives for Young People in Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent
- Reach and Unite Outreach and Empowerment CIC - A place for every child
- South Thames Cancer Teenage & Young Adult Operational Delivery Network - Fertility preservation for teenage & young adults with cancer
- Staff Wellbeing Award

WINNER: Bradford Teaching Hospitals FT - Ramadan Allies
Watch their post-win interview here
HIGHLY COMMENDED: South Yorkshire ICB and South Yorkshire ICS - Mission: menopause – changing culture in South Yorkshire
- Barts Health Trust - NHS Staff Cardiovascular Diseases Health Checks
- Hampshire and Isle of Wight ICS - Hampshire and Isle of Wight NHS Employee Health and Wellbeing Programme
- Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust - The talking wellness outreach approach to delivering mental health wellbeing support for NHS and social care staff
- Northumbria Healthcare FT - ‘Hot’ Debriefing: encouraging rapid post-incident team debriefing following medical emergencies and in-hospital cardiac arrests
- Oxford University Hospitals FT - Our #OneTeamOneOUH approach to supporting staff with the cost of living
- Oxleas FT - Your Wellbeing Matters - improving working lives at Oxleas
- University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire Trust - SpeakUp - a digital tool for staff to raise concerns
- Towards Net Zero Award

WINNER: Royal Devon University Healthcare FT - Royal Devon and Exeter's reduction in scope one emissions through its work on Anaesthetic gases
Watch their post-win interview here
HIGHLY COMMENDED: Northampton General Hospital Trust - Be PPE Free!
- Alder Hey Children's Hospital - Green plan
- Central London Community Healthcare Trust - Going Greener Together - Our Net Zero Progress
- Gloucester Hospitals FT - A pilot initiative exploring the impact of implementing sustainable enteral feeding practices
- Imperial College Healthcare Trust - Green shoots: empowering staff to make carbon and cost savings in challenging financial times
- King's College Hospital - Anaesthetic gas waste reduction project
- NHS England - The NHS Net Zero Supplier Roadmap
- The Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust - Decarbonising the Trust Estate
- Trust of the Year

HIGHLY COMMENDED: Chelsea and Westminster Hospital FT
- King's College Hospital FT
- London Ambulance Service
- South Tees Hospitals FT
- The Walton Centre FT
- Workforce Initiative of the Year

WINNER: King's College Hospital and King's College London - Implementation of SIFE (Supporting Information From Employer) pathway to support IENs (Internationally Educated Nurses) to complete the NMC registration
Watch their post-win interview here
HIGHLY COMMENDED: Greater Manchester Integrated Care and Northern Care Alliance FT - Recruiting Local Talent Differently: An Efficient Cost-Effective Alternative Approach to Recruiting into the Health and Social Care Sector
- Birmingham and Solihull ICS - I Can Programme
- Hampshire and Isle of Wight ICS - NHS Housing Hub
- Hampshire and Isle of Wight ICS - 350+ NHS Careers Programme
- Lancashire & South Cumbria FT, NHS England North West, University of Central Lancashire and Health Innovation North West Coast - Trainee Associate Psychological Practitioners workforce initiative
- Leeds Community Healthcare - Hyper local recruitment
- Royal College of Psychiatrists - Physician Associates in Mental Health
- Transformation Partners in Health and Care and NHS England London Regional Maternity Team - Anti-Racism Framework and Fellowship